Fulltone Screw-On Rubber Feet
$ 0.00
Temporarily Out of Stock
Lost or damaged the feet on your Fulltone pedal? Not to worry, we've got you covered. Just locate your pedal from the list below and select the appropriate model number.
FSRFWS4 (small rubber feet with screws x 4)
$16 (incl Free shipping for USA only)
- Full-Drive2 (FD2)
- Only old large box 69, 70, Octafuzz, Soul-Bender, and Bass-Drive
- Supa-Trem1 (ST-1) only for older versions without thumbscrews on sides of enclosure
- GT500
- MDV-1 (Black, Silver and Cream versions)
- Ultimate Octave
FMRFWS4 (medium rubber feet with screws x 4)
$18 (incl Free shipping for USA only)
- all wah wah's,
- MDV-3
- MDV-2
FLRFWS4 (large rubber feet with screws x 4)
$22 (incl Free shipping for USA only)
- Deja'Vibe2
- Old large box white or Gold Deja’Vibes